Brawl Stars is fully packed with a mass variety of brawlers and each brawler has unique classes like assassins, supports, controllers, marksmen, artillery, tanks, and damage dealers. Every class brings its strengths and weaknesses that make the choice of your brawler conclusive to outplaying the competition.
Till now we have found the top 3 damage dealer brawlers in Brawl Stars. Today in this blog post, we will dive into one of the most impactful classes, damage dealers.
Whether you’re dishing out heavy firepower, controlling the battlefield, or shredding enemies in seconds, all these brawlers are the heavy hitters that every team fears. Get ready to know which brawlers pack the biggest punch and have the ability that turn the dite of any battle.
Let’s break down, the top 3 best damage dealers in Brawl Stars.
Currently, there are more than 15 powerhouse damage-dealer brawlers in Brawl Stars. Every Brawl offers a wide range of firepower and durability.
All of these brawlers walk out for perfect balance between high damage and output which makes a versatile force on the battlefield. No matter, if it’s melting through tanks or countering assassins, damage dealers can swiftly turn the tide of a match.
Styling gameplay along with character is full of fun. When a player has this advantage, they will never take their step back.
The good news is all these damage dealer brawlers’ gadgets and star powers allow players to customize their playstyle whether you’re aiming for pure burst damage, sustained DPS, or a tanky build that refuses to back down.
But, like any powerful class, they also come with some weaknesses. Marksmen and artillery brawlers can keep their distance, raining attacks from far away or sneaking in shots from behind obstacles.
Once damage dealers get close to their enemies, they can easily defeat enemies. So, no opponent is safe when they are within range.
Colt – The Pretty
Colt takes the first position of raw firepower, and also, when it comes to being the top damage dealer in Brawl Stars, Giving massive 720 damage at max level is not simple. Still, it’s pretty much possible if Colt is armed with dual revolvers, Colt unleashes six rapid-fire, long-range bullets.

A devastating barrage of bullets that stretches across the battlefield, destroying everything in its path, including cover makes Colt shine and super. If you’re caught in Colt’s line of fire, there’s there is no place to escape.
No escape is just beginning. It’s difficult for enemies to dodge due to the broad spread of these bullets, Colt’s Hypercharge takes his Super to the next level.
Combined with his gadgets and star powers, Colt isn’t just about his Super, his basic attacks are a force compounding attacks. Colt’s Slick Boots star power speeds up his movement speed.
On the other hand, Magnum Special extends his attack range and bullet speed giving him the upper hand against even the trickiest marksmen.
If you are thinking that you can hide behind walls from Colt? Think again.
Colt has a gadget Silver Bullet that can that can cut through everything in its way. So, it can turn the tide of any fight.
Spike – One of a Kind
Spike secures second place as the top damage dealer. Spike fires a small cactus that explodes to hit an enemy or reach its maximum range. Or spread in 6 deadly spikes in all directions.

What makes Spike so dangerous is that each spike deals the same damage as the initial cactus hit. If an enemy is caught in both the explosion and multiple spikes, enemies will get massive damage in seconds.
Spike’s star power, Curveball, adds an extra twist. The spikes curve clockwise, making it a hard situation for enemies to dodge.
Also, it helps the player to take critical hits. If an enemy hits by curve, the only option to save himself is a Life Plant gadget.
Spike’s Super becomes even more deadly with his mythical gear and Hypercharge, which add a 30% stronger slow effect and expand the area by 20%. This turns his Super into a powerful zone of control, covering a larger area while drastically slowing enemies, making it nearly impossible for them to escape.
As they take continuous damage, the battlefield essentially becomes a minefield of destruction where Spike dominates, forcing opponents to defeat.
Chester – Jack of all Trades
The wild card of Brawl Stars, Chester. For a noob player, it’s very unpredictable to know what’s coming next.
Like this situation, Chester works. Chester brawler is very unpredictable. The unique sequence of balls, starting with one, then two, and finally three per shot is Chester’s basic attack.
And with his Bell’O’Mania star power, you can boost this to four bells for even more. But what sets Chester apart is his Super or should we say Supers?
Chester comes with a rotating arsenal of five different Supers, randomly switching after each use. All these features make him a true jack-of-all-trades.

Here’s what Chester has up his sleeve:
Candy Popper: It seems like a candy. When it is thrown, a candy explodes, dealing damage, destroying obstacles, and knocking back enemies. For all the Chester lovers, Candy Popper is the best way to defeat enemies.
Jawbreaker: Like candy popper, it also looks like candy but works differently. The size of this candy is giant. Jawbreaker shoots candy that makes senseless enemies on impact. Have you used a jawbreaker before? If not, it’s time to use it.
Salmiakki: This reminds some action movies where actors use spray to scrape back. But here is different. Salmiakki sprays a cone of poisonous powder that deals damage over time. So, when Salmiakki is in the battle, plays like an action movie.
Each of these Supers is incredibly useful depending on the situation. But the catch is enemies will not know which one will come first.
This unpredictability keeps your enemies on their toes, but it can also leave you vulnerable. Sneak Peek star power gives you a glimpse of your next Super, helping you plan your next move and take control of the battlefield.
Chester has all, and it doesn’t matter if you need crowd control, burst damage, or some quick healing. His versatile skill set makes him a fantastic damage dealer.
Get ready to embrace the chaos with Chester, where every game is a different adventure!